Monday, October 17, 2011

Tomorrow, Occupy Your Coworkers' Time

Tomorrow, at work, you should occupy your coworkers' time as much as possible. They are the 99%. You are the 99%. You already have something in common! Share your complaints about work and maybe flirt with the idea of organizing your labor.

There are those who exhibit behavior, like a strong adherence to and enforcement of the rules who won't like it and will try to take action against you for expressing even a shred of humanity. The prison camps built by the 1% create this type of environment by design. Take it in stride. Don't retaliate. Their power trips are a result of this only small section of the world they actually have control over. They are as miserable as the rest of us and this provides them an escape. The dark tunnel of dead-end employment is illuminated by their robotic-like phrases like "What are you working on?" and "I need that done before you leave."

Whatever happens from occupying your coworkers' time, you'll get paid for a little extra human interaction. And if you work in retail like me, the CEO's $16,000 an hour won't suffer from a little slacking at work. Earth's orbit will continue at its usual pace and the revolution will continue to grow. It's an excellent moment to be the 99%.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making Love in the Midst of Occupation

Spark a revolution with me, my lovely revolutionary,
We'll make love on the edge of chaos, our bodies painted red,
Achieving orgasm as the puppets of momentous change,
The puppeteers are all named Solidarity and they are nude violinists,
And as your eyes roll back into your head, they sing:
"Occupy the world with your offspring, for the others are lost,
Occupy the world with your ideals, sparing no cost."
And you turn to me, bright-eyed and helpless in confusion,
"Don't they know Imagine by Lennon?"
"Hell, darling. Why wouldn't they know the National Anthem?"

Occupying My Job

Tomorrow, this hippie supporter of Occupy Wall Street gets to return to his place of employment after three days of pure bliss. I shall reenter the world of big box retail, where I serve a sentence alongside some coworkers who have been trapped there for years. You can see the lost expressions on every face that is aged beyond 20 years.

Those of us who try to treat it more like a social club can endure the suffering somewhat, but those who have health insurance to protect or children to feed are imprisoned. There's no other opportunities. The only escape is their mind. Their perpetual fantasy of telling every single-brain-celled organism in management that they're mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore, walking out the door, and picking up a decent bottle of liquor at the local Rite-Aid doesn't go beyond the vast lost hope of their minds. They are the 99% and many are unaware.

Customers are encouraged to treat us like shit and we are discouraged from telling them where to go. Using "go to hell" in a big box retail store is kind of a redundant statement, anyway. I joked just last Sunday that churchgoers leave church and go straight to hell. You know, for their shampoo and hamburger. You can get everything at stores like this now. They've attained some sort of "SUPER"star status after sucking all competition through their monolithic fangs.

We can't even unionize. Special task forces from corporate headquarters are dispatched at the mere mention of the word. The entire 8-week management training program is dedicated to teaching their new lackies how to put the fear of corporate in all of their sweaty, underpaid and overworked employees.

But, tomorrow I shall put on my biggest smile and pretend that I owe my life to this corporation for giving me employment at one of their many camps. Maybe, just maybe I won't be called "[Company Name] Man" or called like a dog when some customer straight out of "The Walking Dead" needs assistance with spending what little money they have left in this tanking economy. Maybe, just maybe my list of tasks will be short and all the pompous robots, programmed only to take the task of making the rich richer seriously will have called in or have the day off and my 8 hours will go by smoothly. Then, I can hurry home to continue work on my Associate's degree and periodically comment on various Occupy Wall Street sites, where I will be told that I should go out and get a job.

I still don't know why I chose poverty as a lifestyle, but I am not prepared to accept the consequences for it much longer.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I AM THE 99%... Not Their Official Spokesman

Right now, we are emerged in the beginning of the Second Age of Enlightenment. Social change is being coerced through economic inequality. Love is blossoming into movements not capable of being analyzed. Those that have been shortchanged by a system built and funded by greedy sociopaths are poking holes in greed, like its agents have poked in our beloved ozone.

There's an opening growing in measurements of time reserved for purposes of science and gambling. That opening will deliver us from the brink of repetitive abuse and prolong the inevitability of mortality. Sharing the world and all its mysteries will be beautiful. There will be no other purpose but to explore and create for the fulfillment of achievement. We have discovered very little as a species, but I think most can now agree that war, poverty, and intolerance have no room at the table in the house that solidarity built.

Have no fear of this promised land. It shall be built for humans, by humans, and for all humans. No exceptions. The collapse will send them through the opening at an exponential pace. We're residents sharing the dawn of societal freeform. All roles and talents are needed to test limits that have yet to manifest from the dreams of silenced brothers and sisters.

You should be ecstatic that this is not a movement with a clear set of goals. That would suggest reformation. This is the shake of an Etch-A-Sketch, the reformatting of a drive, the jigsaw puzzle going back into the box. This is it and everything, with the input of previous players deemed not worthy. This is the occupation, sterilization, and regeneration of hope. Welcome aboard and thank you for having me.

All occupations in my state of Kentucky can be found at: